


1. The car has a sleek and stylish design.  



2. The vehicle has a muscular and powerful appearance.  


3. The car has a comfortable and 宽敞的 Interior.  



4. The car's body is designed to be sleek and efficient.  

This type of forklifts is magnificent in appearance 该车外形美观、大方,采用超前设计理念。 2. I felt nervous after hearing what he said , cause the shape and color of these 2 bikes looked alike , and i put the bike into the storeroom at night , it is quite possible i had made a mistake 听儿子这么一说,我有些不安了,因为这两辆车外形和颜色都很相像,我又是在晚上把自行车推进小仓房的,所以十有八九是推错了。



Unmanned vehicle is a kind of intelligent vehicle, also known as wheeled mobile robot, which mainly relies on the intelligent driver mainly based on the computer system to achieve the purpose of driverless.


  A car was invented just a century ago You may know all kinds of cars'names,but many people don't know who was the inventor of the first car

  The first car was invented not by an Englishman,but by an American.His name was Henry Ford.

  Henry was born in a poor family .He was the eldest of six children.When he was a boy ,he becam interested in watches and machines.When he was twelve years old,his mother died.Soon he had to work in a machine shop for two dollars and fifty cents a week.In the evebings he repaired watches for another dollar a week.The hard life made him strong and able.

  At that time there was another interest in the life of the young Ford.He wished to make a machine.It could run without a horse,so named horseless carriage.Heovercame a lot of difficulties and in April 1893,the“horseseless carriage” was invented at last.It was the first car.

  Later Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company.He was really the first inventor of car in the word.



